Monday, October 27, 2008

The Proper Role of Government

I copied this post from my brother in law's website.... "After spending the last three years studying law and the history of our government, I have come to the frightening realization that our government is not now what it was meant to be. We have given the government far too much power over our lives. More importantly, we have given the government powers that we as individuals do not have the right to give. The following article is long, it will take some time to read, but please take ten minutes and listen to the words of a prophet of God. I do not suggest the article is revelation, but I know the man who wrote it was truly inspired." - Matt Ormsby

This was written as a response to the threat of communism fifty years ago. It is just as applicable to the current state of our nation today.

1 comment:

Jill said...

This is awesome. I think it is amazing that you don't hear stuff like this these days. These are the last things politicians would say today. It makes you realize how far we have gone. And how much farther we are about to go. I wish we had a better choice in this election. I'm stealing this and posting it on my blog too!